Welcome to Concord's Resource Page
Concord Mortgage Group Ltd. is here to help you find financial solutions for your personal or business finances in Calgary. Use the resources on this page to help you learn more about your mortgage and credit card rates and payments. Great care has been taken in the preparation of these resources. Please consider bookmarking this page for future reference. We strive to consistently update our resource page.
Average Mortgage Rate Calculator
Have you ever wondered why someone would take a 2nd mortgage at 10%? This calculator will quickly compute the average interest rate between two mortgages.
It is very common for people (at various stages in life) to no longer be eligible for conventional financing, even with their existing mortgage lenders. It is often cheaper to pay 10% on a small second mortgage, rather than "break" the first mortgage, and pay the penalty, just to increase it by a small amount; and/or simply pay it out entirely, and get a higher rate on the whole amount.
Note: Make sure you input the same type of mortgage rates, i.e. if you are debating taking a 2nd mortgage at 10% (calculated monthly), and a first mortgage of 3% (calculated semi-annually), convert them both to the same, so you are comparing "apples to apples".
Sample Documents
Registration Statement (for Alberta Businesses)
Note: Above sample documents provided as a courtesy, some document formats may have changed since uploading. No copyright infringement intended.
Free Guides
Educational PDFs
How To
Data / Statistics
Lender's Personal Financial Statement
In Office-Use Forms
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Disclaimer: Although great care has been taken in the preparation of the above, Concord Mortgage Group Ltd. does not accept any liability for these resources. Concord also does not guarantee the accuracy of the math/data used and/or displayed in these resources.